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Thrive Coach in Your Pocket?

As a Thrive Coach empowering women I know that our wellbeing is the foundation for true fulfilment and important for our long-term success.

Given the prevalence of phones in our lifestyles I do recommend apps to keep our wellbeing top of mind.

There is a great demand for these sort of wellbeing tools and "the number of health-related apps that were published in 2014 reached more than 100,000" says the Journal of Medical Internet Research, so how do we choose?

Chose wisely and use mindfully.

Before we get into which ones, let's look at an important point.

Overuse or attachment on wellness apps, can make us feel like we are not meeting some idealised view of ourselves that a "wellbeing culture" tends to create. (Think smoothy bowls, thin bodies, picture-perfect, totally calm ...). Make sure you are using your wellness or habit apps to your benefit.

Have you met Celeste Barber yet? Humour is a good antidote to Social Perfection Syndrome' or comparisonitis - both things that can make any plan to de-stress and become 'well' a stressful experience.

The best idea when it comes to using apps is to pick an app that you can really implement and that is fun, educational or useful to you on a daily or weekly basis.

Why are Wellness Apps beneficial?

Wellness Apps are like professional coaches in your pocket. They use Behaviour Change Theories to help you reach your wellness or wellbeing goals - whether that's habit change, being more mindful, getting more exercise or retraining your brain.

Journal of Medical Research identified the top theories that are used in apps are:

  • planning behaviour

  • self-monitoring

  • feedback on performance

  • motivational enhancement

My Top Apps for Your Wellbeing are:

Fabulous - made by Duke University's Behavioural Economics Lab this habit app is backed by science and uses motivational theories, beautiful graphics, personalised timers and individual journeys to create change in areas that matter to you.

Smiling Mind or Headspace - mindfulness apps have a range of mindful practices that you can access from beginner to advanced - kids to professional. These mindfulness apps educate and inspire people to recognise the benefits of a minfulness practice - more calm, less rumination on the negative and more optimal day to day functioning at work and at home.

Insight Timer - this has a huge following with mindfulness and meditation courses to suit anyone. There is also music, meditation channels and communities to follow. Their foundation meditation timer - or insight timer - can be set for meditation practice of any length to a selection of calming tunes.

For Men - Today Habit Tracker - a flexible habit tracker that allows you to personalise your images on your habits and give you great analysis and data visualisation of how you are achieving your goals track habits like fitness goals, daily meditation, lowering alcohol intake, boosting nutrition or sleep times

For Women - Flo - Tracking your hormones helps you manage stress from a biological perspective and optimise your energy flow. This app tracks your cycle of ovulation and menstruation so you can plan for what energy you have in the days or weeks ahead. Another brilliant App for this is Flo Living that offers health and wellbeing tips for each time in your cycle.

Reach out and let me know what apps you use and why?

And if you want a real time coach in your life, to augment your AI coach in your pocket - touch base. I love supporting women to step into their power and confidence, to thrive in all domains of life.

Dominique x

As a Thrive Coach I am a member of the National Wellness Institute trained by Wellness Coaches Australia, with Pilates and Womens Health training, Cert Applied Positive Psychology and Neuroscience Foundations.

Ref: Can Mobile Phone Apps Influence People’s Health Behavior Change? An Evidence Review -journal of Medical Internet Research Nov 2016

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